Toyota Venza manuals

Toyota Venza: When trouble arises

Toyota Venza Owners Manual / When trouble arises

What to do if the vehicle needs to be towed, gets a flat tire, or is involved in an accident

Light bulbs
You may replace the following bulbs yourself. The difficulty level of replacement varies depending on the bulb. If necessary bulb replacement seems difficult to perform, contact your Toyota dealer ...

Essential information

Other materials about Toyota Venza:

Automatic High Beam
The Automatic High Beam uses an in-vehicle camera sensor to assess the brightness of streetlights, the lights of oncoming and preceding vehicles, etc., and automatically turns high beam on or off as necessary.  - Activating the Automatic High Beam sy ...

Tire Pressure Warning Light Circuit
DESCRIPTION If the tire pressure warning ECU detects a malfunction, the tire pressure warning light blinks for 1 minute then stays on and tire pressure monitor is canceled at the same time. At this time, the ECU records a DTC in the memory. Connecting te ...

Taillight Relay Circuit
DESCRIPTION The main body ECU (driver side junction block assembly) controls the operation of the TAIL relay. WIRING DIAGRAM CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT NOTICE: Inspect the fuses for circuits related to this system before performing the following inspec ...

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