Toyota Venza manuals

Toyota Venza: If you think something is wrong

If you notice any of the following symptoms, your vehicle probably needs adjustment or repair. Contact your Toyota dealer as soon as possible.

 - Visible symptoms

• Fluid leaks under the vehicle (Water dripping from the air conditioning after use is normal.) • Flat-looking tires or uneven tire wear • Engine coolant temperature gauge needle continually points higher than normal

 - Audible symptoms

• Changes in exhaust sound • Excessive tire squeal when cornering • Strange noises related to the suspension system • Pinging or other noises related to the engine

 - Operational symptoms

• Engine missing, stumbling or running rough • Appreciable loss of power • Vehicle pulls heavily to one side when braking • Vehicle pulls heavily to one side when driving on a level road • Loss of brake effectiveness, spongy feeling, pedal almost touches the floor

Using a flat bed truck
If you use chains or cables to tie down your vehicle, the angles shaded in black must be 45°. Do not overly tighten the tie downs or the vehicle may be damaged. NOTICE  - To prevent body ...

If noise can be heard from under vehicle
Approximately five hours after the engine is turned off, you may hear sound coming from under the vehicle for several minutes. This is the sound of a fuel evaporation leakage check and, it does not ...

Other materials about Toyota Venza:

Taillight Relay Circuit
DESCRIPTION The main body ECU (driver side junction block assembly) controls the operation of the TAIL relay. WIRING DIAGRAM CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT NOTICE: Inspect the fuses for circuits related to this system before performing the following inspec ...

List of storage features
1. Bottle holders 2. Door pockets 3. Auxiliary boxes 4. Overhead console 5. Console boxes 6. Glove box 7. Cup holders CAUTION  - Items that should not be left in the storage spaces Do not leave glasses, lighters or spray cans in the storage spa ...

Dtc Check / Clear
DTC CHECK / CLEAR 1. CHECK DTC (CHECK USING TECHSTREAM) (a) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3. (b) Turn the ignition switch to ON. (c) Turn the Techstream on. (d) Enter the following menus: Body Electrical / Navigation System / Trouble Codes. (e) Chec ...

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