Toyota Venza manuals

Toyota Venza: Diagnostic Trouble Code Chart



If a trouble code is displayed during the DTC check, inspect the circuit listed for that code. For details of each code, refer to the relevant page listed under respective "DTC Code" in the DTC chart.

Tire Pressure Warning System

DTC Code

Detection Item

Trouble Area

See page


Transmitter ID1 Operation Stop

1. Tire pressure warning valve and transmitter

2. Tire pressure warning ECU


Transmitter ID2 Operation Stop

1. Tire pressure warning valve and transmitter

2. Tire pressure warning ECU


Transmitter ID3 Operation Stop

1. Tire pressure warning valve and transmitter

2. Tire pressure warning ECU


Transmitter ID4 Operation Stop

1. Tire pressure warning valve and transmitter

2. Tire pressure warning ECU


No Signal from Transmitter ID1

1. Tire pressure warning valve and transmitter

2. Tire pressure warning antenna and receiver

3. Wire harness or connector

4. Tire pressure warning ECU


No Signal from Transmitter ID2

1. Tire pressure warning valve and transmitter

2. Tire pressure warning antenna and receiver

3. Wire harness or connector

4. Tire pressure warning ECU


No Signal from Transmitter ID3

1. Tire pressure warning valve and transmitter

2. Tire pressure warning antenna and receiver

3. Wire harness or connector

4. Tire pressure warning ECU


No Signal from Transmitter ID4

1. Tire pressure warning valve and transmitter

2. Tire pressure warning antenna and receiver

3. Wire harness or connector

4. Tire pressure warning ECU


Transmitter ID not Received in Main Mode

1. ID registration failure

2. Tire pressure warning valve and transmitter

3. Tire pressure warning antenna and receiver

4. Wire harness or connector

5. Tire pressure warning ECU


Transmitter ID1 Error

1. Tire pressure warning valve and transmitter

2. Tire pressure warning ECU


Transmitter ID2 Error

1. Tire pressure warning valve and transmitter

2. Tire pressure warning ECU


Transmitter ID3 Error

1. Tire pressure warning valve and transmitter

2. Tire pressure warning ECU


Transmitter ID4 Error

1. Tire pressure warning valve and transmitter

2. Tire pressure warning ECU


Abnormal Temperature Inside ID1 Tire

1. Tires

2. Tire pressure warning valve and transmitter

3. Tire pressure warning ECU


Abnormal Temperature Inside ID2 Tire

1. Tires

2. Tire pressure warning valve and transmitter

3. Tire pressure warning ECU


Abnormal Temperature Inside ID3 Tire

1. Tires

2. Tire pressure warning valve and transmitter

3. Tire pressure warning ECU


Abnormal Temperature Inside ID4 Tire

1. Tires

2. Tire pressure warning valve and transmitter

3. Tire pressure warning ECU


Transmitter ID not Registered

Tire pressure warning ECU


Vehicle Speed or Engine Speed Signal Malfunction

1. Combination meter

2. ECM

3. Wire harness or connector

4. Tire pressure warning ECU


Receiver Error

Tire pressure warning ECU


Transmitter ID1 not Received (Test Mode DTC)

1. Tire pressure warning valve and transmitter

2. Tire pressure warning antenna and receiver

3. Wire harness or connector

4. Tire pressure warning ECU


Transmitter ID2 not Received (Test Mode DTC)

1. Tire pressure warning valve and transmitter

2. Tire pressure warning antenna and receiver

3. Wire harness or connector

4. Tire pressure warning ECU


Transmitter ID3 not Received (Test Mode DTC)

1. Tire pressure warning valve and transmitter

2. Tire pressure warning antenna and receiver

3. Wire harness or connector

4. Tire pressure warning ECU


Transmitter ID4 not Received (Test Mode DTC)

1. Tire pressure warning valve and transmitter

2. Tire pressure warning antenna and receiver

3. Wire harness or connector

4. Tire pressure warning ECU


Vehicle Speed Signal Error (Test Mode DTC)

1. Vehicle speed sensor

2. Combination meter

3. Wire harness or connector

4. Tire pressure warning ECU


Engine Speed Signal Error (Test Mode DTC)

1. ECM

2. Wire harness or connector

3. Tire pressure warning ECU

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