Toyota Venza manuals

Toyota Venza: Vehicle load limits

Vehicle load limits include total load capacity, seating capacity, Trailer Weight Rating (TWR) and cargo capacity.

 - Total load capacity (Vehicle capacity weight):

Total load capacity means the combined weight of occupants, cargo and luggage.

 - Seating capacity: 5 occupants (Front 2, Rear 3)

Seating capacity means the maximum number of occupants whose estimated average weight is 150 lb. (68 kg) per person.

Even if the number of occupants is within the seating capacity, do not exceed the total load capacity.

 - Trailer Weight Rating (TWR): , 486

Trailer Weight Rating (TWR) means the maximum gross trailer weight (trailer weight plus its cargo weight) that your vehicle is able to tow.

 - Cargo capacity

Cargo capacity may increase or decrease depending on the weight and the number of occupants.

 - Total load capacity and seating capacity

These details are also described on the tire and loading information label.


 - Overloading the vehicle

Do not overload the vehicle.

It may not only cause damage to the tires, but also degrade steering and braking ability, resulting in an accident.

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