Toyota Venza manuals

Toyota Venza: Relay

On-vehicle Inspection




(a) Remove the stop light control (BRK) relay.

(b) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.

Standard Resistance:

Tester Connection


Specified Condition

3 - 4

Voltage is not applied between terminals 1 and 2

Below 1 Ω

3 - 5

Voltage is not applied between terminals 1 and 2

10 kΩ or higher

3 - 4

Voltage is applied between terminals 1 and 2

10 kΩ or higher

3 - 5

Voltage is applied between terminals 1 and 2

Below 1 Ω

Text in Illustration


Stop Light Control (BRK) Relay

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