Toyota Venza manuals

Toyota Venza: Parking Brake Cable

REASSEMBLY CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT NOTICE: Before installation, apply high temperature grease to the parts indicated by arrows (See page ). PROCEDURE 1. INSTALL NO. 2 PARKING BRAKE SHOE HOLD D ...


Other materials about Toyota Venza:

Problem Symptoms Table
PROBLEM SYMPTOMS TABLE HINT: Use the table below to help determine the cause of problem symptoms. If multiple suspected areas are listed, the potential causes of the symptoms are listed in order of probability in the "Suspected Area" ...

Data List / Active Test
DATA LIST / ACTIVE TEST 1. DATA LIST NOTICE: In the table below, the values listed under "Normal Condition" are reference values. Do not depend solely on these reference values when deciding whether a part is faulty or not. HINT: Using the T ...

SRS Warning Light Remains ON
DESCRIPTION The SRS warning light is located on the combination meter assembly. When the SRS is normal, the SRS warning light comes on for approximately 6 seconds after the ignition switch is turned from off to ON, and then goes off automatically. If ther ...

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