Toyota Venza manuals

Toyota Venza: Components



Front Lower Ball Joint

INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1. INSPECT FRONT LOWER BALL JOINT (a) Inspect the turning torque of the ball joint. (1) Secure the front lower ball joint in a vise using aluminum plates. (2) ...

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Trip information
Display items can be switched by pressing the “INFO” button.  - Average Fuel Economy Displays the average fuel consumption since the function was reset. • The function can be reset by pressing and holding the “SELECT RESET” button when the ...

INSTALLATION CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT NOTICE: Always use a new grommet and valve core when installing the tire pressure warning valve and transmitter. Check that the washer and nut are not damaged, and replace them if necessary. Write ...

Terminals Of Ecu
TERMINALS OF ECU 1. CHECK OUTER MIRROR CONTROL ECU ASSEMBLY (DRIVER DOOR) (a) Disconnect the I13 connector. (b) Measure the voltage and resistance according to the value(s) in the table below. HINT: Measure the values on the wire harness side with the ...

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