Toyota Venza manuals

Toyota Venza: The distance display and buzzer

When a sensor detects an obstacle, the direction of and the approximate distance to the obstacle are displayed and the buzzer sounds.

 - Corner sensor operation and distance to an obstacle

The system operates when the vehicle approaches within the following distances to an obstacle. The indicator flashes and the buzzer sounds when the system is operating.

1. Front

2. Rear

 - Back sensor operation and distance to an obstacle

The system operates when the vehicle approaches within the following distances to an obstacle. The indicator flashes and the buzzer sounds when the system is operating.

When the sensors detect an obstacle, a graphic is shown on the multi information display depending on the position and distance to the obstacle. 1. Front corner sensor operation 2. Rear corner s ...

Detection range of the sensors
1. Approximately 1.6 ft. (50 cm) 2. Approximately 4.9 ft. (150 cm) 3. Approximately 2.0 ft. (60 cm) The diagram shows the detection range of the sensors. Note that the sensors cannot detect obs ...

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