Toyota Venza manuals

Toyota Venza: Parts Location



PRECAUTION 1. BEFORE WORKING ON FUEL SYSTEM (a) When disconnecting a fuel line, fuel will splash. So observe the following precautions: (1) Do not smoke or work near fire when handling the fuel s ...

On-vehicle Inspection
ON-VEHICLE INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1. CHECK FOR FUEL PUMP OPERATION AND INSPECT FOR FUEL LEAK (a) Check fuel pump operation. (1) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3. (2) Turn the ignition switch to O ...

Other materials about Toyota Venza:

How To Proceed With Troubleshooting
CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT HINT: Use the following procedure to troubleshoot the cruise control system. *: Use the Techstream. PROCEDURE 1. VEHICLE BROUGHT TO WORKSHOP NEXT ...

Transmission Wire(when Using The Engine Support Bridge)
Components COMPONENTS ILLUSTRATION Installation INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 1. INSTALL TRANSMISSION WIRE (a) Coat the O-ring with ATF. (b) Coat the bolt with ATF. (c) Install the transmission ...

Rear Axle Hub Bolt
Components COMPONENTS ILLUSTRATION Replacement REPLACEMENT CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT HINT: Use the same procedure for the RH side and LH side. The procedure listed below is for the LH side. PROCEDURE 1. REMOVE REAR WHEEL 2. SEPA ...

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