Toyota Venza manuals

Toyota Venza: On-vehicle Inspection




Be sure to correctly follow the removal and installation procedures for the front passenger airbag assembly.


1. INSPECT FRONT PASSENGER AIRBAG ASSEMBLY (Vehicle not Involved in Collision)

(a) Perform a diagnostic system check (See page ).

(b) Visually check for defects with the front passenger airbag assembly installed on the vehicle.


The defects are as follows:

  • Cuts on the instrument panel safety pad assembly around the front passenger airbag assembly
  • Small cracks on the instrument panel safety pad assembly around the front passenger airbag assembly
  • Significant discoloration on the instrument panel safety pad assembly around the front passenger airbag assembly


No defects are found.

If any defects are found, replace the instrument panel safety pad sub-assembly with a new one.

2. INSPECT FRONT PASSENGER AIRBAG ASSEMBLY (Vehicle Involved in Collision and Airbag has not Deployed)

(a) Perform a diagnostic system check (See page ).

(b) Visually check for defects with the front passenger airbag assembly removed from the vehicle.


  • Cuts
  • Small cracks
  • Significant discoloration
  • Cracks or other damage to the connector
  • Deformation or cracks on the instrument panel safety pad assembly or instrument panel reinforcement


No defects are found.

If any defects are found, replace the front passenger airbag assembly, instrument panel safety pad sub-assembly or instrument panel reinforcement with a new one.


REMOVAL PROCEDURE 1. PRECAUTION NOTICE: Be sure to read Precaution thoroughly before servicing (See page ). 2. REMOVE SHIFT LEVER ASSEMBLY (See page ) 3. DISCONNECT INSTRUMENT PANEL WIRE ASS ...

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