Toyota Venza manuals

Toyota Venza: Diagnostic Trouble Code Chart



If a trouble code is output during the DTC check, inspect the trouble areas listed for that code. For details of the code, refer to "See page" in the DTC chart.

  • Inspect the fuses and relays before troubleshooting the areas shown in the table below.
Wireless Door Lock Control System

DTC Code

Detection Item

Trouble Area

See page


Wireless Door Lock Tuner Circuit Malfunction

1. Wire harness or connector

2. Door control receiver

3. Certification ECU (Smart key ECU assembly)

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Wireless Door Lock Tuner Circuit Malfunction (B1242)
DESCRIPTION The door control receiver is used to receive electrical waves relating to the entry functions of the smart key system. The certification ECU (smart key ECU assembly) decodes the reque ...

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