Toyota Venza manuals

Toyota Venza: Diagnostic Trouble Code Chart



If a trouble code is displayed during the DTC check, inspect the trouble areas listed below for that code. For details of the code, refer to the following "See page".

Power back door system

DTC Code

Detection Item

Trouble Area

See page


PBD Pulse Sensor Malfunction

Power back door ECU (Power back door motor unit)


Back Door Motor Clutch Malfunction

Power back door ECU (Power back door motor unit)

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DATA LIST / ACTIVE TEST 1. DATA LIST HINT: Using the Techstream to read the Data List allows the values or states of switches, sensors, actuators and other items to be read without removing any p ...

PBD Pulse Sensor Malfunction (B2222)
DESCRIPTION A pulse sensor is built into the power back door ECU (power back door motor unit) to detect foreign objects and the back door position. The pulse sensor monitors the operat ...

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