Toyota Venza manuals

Toyota Venza: Canister

1ar-fe Emission Control


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Transmitter ID1 Error (C2141/41-C2144/44)
DESCRIPTION The tire pressure warning valve and transmitter installed in each tire and wheel assembly measures the tire pressures. The measured values are transmitted as radio waves to the tire pressure warning antenna and receiver on the body and then se ...

Trip information
Display items can be switched by pressing the “INFO-CLOCK” button.  - Average fuel consumption (AVERAGE ECON) Displays the average fuel consumption since the function was reset. • The function can be reset by pressing and holding the “RESET ...

Sliding Roof does not Move by Operating Sliding Roof Control Switch
DESCRIPTION The sliding roof ECU (sliding roof drive gear sub-assembly) receives switch slide and tilt signals and drives its built-in motor. WIRING DIAGRAM CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT NOTICE: Inspect the fuses for circuits related to this system ...

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